Prospecting On Google Used To Take Hours And Hours!

Imagine if your coach, mentor or sales trainer insisted you start prospecting 100 potential new clients each week. How long would that take you? It could take 10 hours a week and you have to give it your undivided attention ...

You'd go to Google Search or Google Maps, type in a profession and a location, then grab the details for each business that came up and paste them into your spreadsheet. Hopefully, you quickly find a website URL then you'd have to switch between the website and your spreadsheet copying and pasting things like an email address and phone number.

If you can't find an email address, you'd throw that business away and try again and again until you got your 100 new businesses. Then you'd need to compose an email and click, paste and send them individually.

"What an absolute waste of your time that is!"

We can't help, but cringe when we come across YouTube videos demonstrating manual prospecting on Google; it just seems like such a soul-destroying exercise and we wonder how people are supposed to keep up with it day after day, week in, week out?

This is how we do it with YourPCM's integrated discovery tools: type in a profession, choose a location, hit search, and then go and do something more productive. Around 5 minutes later we have loads of new contacts in YourPCM that matched our requirements.

Then we'll choose a custom email template and send them one by one with the click of a mouse, or add them to a section of contacts we'll use for our next cold outreach mailer a few days later. Oh, and as we've most probably got the Linkedin profile as well, we'll connect with them there too.

"Total time taken from start to finish? Around 15 minutes!"

That's the power of YourPCM's built-in discovery tools and we'd love to give you a demo. You can even grab a fully featured 7-day free trial and jump in feet first and we'll give you all the support and training you need to get you off to a flying start.

Check out the options you can see at the top of this page.

If you're interested in discovering more about YourPCM, do call us on 01908 875991 and let's see how we can help you.