Spotlight: Our Weekday Red List Emails

Every subscriber of YourPCM has lauded the usefulness of our 'last contact dates' and 'next contact dates' feature. These useful columns not only help keep track of past interactions, but also act as a reminder for future conversations ...

The unique colour-coded system which turns green, amber, or red based on time thresholds enhances visibility and understanding, making it a crowd favourite. However, there's another feature that truly astonishes our users ... the 'red list emails'.

"Switch on the red list emails and start your weekdays with an organised approach!"

Every weekday morning, at 8:15am, an email will be sent to you listing all the individuals you need to connect with. This includes everyone with a red 'last contact date' or a 'next contact date', ensuring you never miss out on an important connection.

And we haven't forgotten about tagged contacts either. Tagging a contact signifies your intent to initiate a conversation or a task ... be it a call, email, a friendly SMS or any other business-related activity. It's only logical to include these tagged contacts in your red list emails as well, adding another layer of organisation to your daily workflow.

Designed for simplicity and ease of understanding, our red list emails land in your inbox, ready to help you kickstart your day with a clear action plan. The response has been overwhelmingly positive, with over 70% of our subscribers enabling this feature. It stands as a potent and beneficial reminder tool that can transform your daily routine.

"YourPCM is about empowering you to be a paragon of proactivity!"

With our platform, you can manage your existing contacts, explore potential business opportunities, and engage with everyone through custom email templates, SMS, and our unique HTML mailing list system. Designed exclusively for UK small business owners, YourPCM is the quintessential CRM solution for you.

Your road to organised and efficient business management starts here!

If you're interested in discovering more about YourPCM, do call us on 01908 875991 and let's see how we can help you.