Your PCM


Discover the Awesome Power of YourPCM

Exclusively for small business owners ...


#YourPCM #CRM #MicroBusiness #UK #OrganizeContacts #ConnectOpportunities #Thrive #CompetitiveMarket

You know that every opportunity counts. However, with the demands of running your business, it can be challenging to keep track of everything and stay in touch with potential clients and partners ...

YourPCM can help you organise your contacts, discover new opportunities, and reach out to them effectively!

YourPCM can help you organise your contacts, discover new opportunities, and reach out to them effectively!

created by yourai using chat gpt and dall-e

When you're busy, it's so easy to lose track of your interactions with customers, forget what you agreed with them or even miss following up, and therefore lose out on new opportunities. This is where YourPCM comes in.

"YourPCM is not just another generic CRM!"

It is a boutique solution designed exclusively for the needs of small business owners across the English-speaking world. With its comprehensive features and user-friendly interface, YourPCM can help you organise your contacts, discover new opportunities, and reach out to them effectively.

So, what makes YourPCM stand out from other CRMs in the market?

  • Organise Everyone You Know

    YourPCM allows you to organise all your contacts in one database. With its colour-coded last contact date and next contact date fields, you can easily keep track of when you last reached out to someone and when you need to follow up. We know this feature is especially useful for those who have to juggle multiple tasks and contacts every day.

    But that's not all as you can send personalised templated email, SMS, and WhatsApp messages to your contacts. You can create these custom templates and reach out to your contacts with just a few clicks. This feature saves you time and effort, allowing you to focus on other important aspects of your business.

  • Discover New Opportunities

    It's crucial to stay updated and connected with new opportunities. YourPCM has powerful discovery tools that help you find new businesses and potential clients in your niche. You can expand your network and reach out to potential new customers and clients, all within the YourPCM platform.

    Additionally, our AI Business Card Scanner allows you to scan business cards with your webcam and create new contacts instantly. This feature is a game-changer for those who attend networking events and conferences. You no longer have to manually input contact information as YourPCM does it for you.

  • Customise Your Data

    We understand that every business is unique and has its own set of data requirements. That's why our CRM has unlimited custom sections to organise your contacts into and offers custom fields where you to add up to 16 extra data points to each contact. You can also search for contacts based on these custom fields, making it easier to find specific contacts when you need them.

    Moreover, our team provides all the support and training you need to make the most of the CRM's features. Chat with Aimee right in YourPCM or just reach out to us and we'll be there to help.

    You can rest assured that your contact data is held securely in our UK data centre and is covered by UK data protection regulations. With YourPCM, you have a reliable and trustworthy partner to help you grow your business.

  • Commitment to Sustainability

    We not only care about the success of your business, but also the planet. As a new subscriber, you'll have a tree planted for you at one of more than 80 community projects around the world.

    We're committed to achieving Net Zero by regularly planting trees to cover the carbon emissions of their website, servers, and technology. We also contribute 0.5% of our revenue to the development of carbon capture technology.

We believe that YourPCM is the ultimate CRM for small business owners. It helps you organise your contacts, discover new opportunities, and reach out to them effectively.

With its user-friendly interface, powerful features, and commitment to sustainability, YourPCM will become a valuable asset for any business owner looking to grow and thrive in today's competitive market.

Love, light and logic ...


Would you like to know more?

If anything I've written in this blog post resonates with you and you'd like to discover more about YourPCM and how it can help your small business grow and thrive, it may be a great idea to book a Zoom demo with me and I'll show you around, or call me on 07490 373980 and let's see how I can help.

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#YourPCM #CRM #MicroBusiness #UK #OrganizeContacts #ConnectOpportunities #Thrive #CompetitiveMarket

About Steffi Lewis ...


I'm a 32-year veteran web developer, who published one of the first 1,000 websites in the entire world when I worked at The Open University way back in 1993. Since then I've been involved with projects big and small, funded and unfunded, corporate and commercial. I was part of the dot com boom and contracted in California in the mid-2000s.

On my return to the UK circa 2011, I started work on my digital marketing platform SLO Media, and have run that successfully for nearly 15 years, blogging, sharing social media content and sending mailers for a small yet exclusive group of clients.

During the pandemic, when we were all bored out of our skulls, I created YourPCM, a SaaS CRM designed exclusively for small business owners, alth0ugh I don't call it a CRM because CRMs are boring and people glaze over when they hear that term. I just call it 'easy contact management for small business owners'.

My head is in The Cloud, my heart belongs to The Web, and my soul is filled with such beautiful code.

And so here we are ...